作品简介:15年前,一处烂尾楼发生爆炸,年仅5岁的黎璃从此成为了孤儿。 她背负着仇恨,成为了靳夜寒手里的金丝雀。 “先生,璃小姐把您新拍卖回来的三千万的玉镯子摔碎了。” “先生,璃小姐把钟小姐的脸给抓花了……” “先生,璃小姐把您的那个合作给黄了……” 总之,为了报复靳夜寒,她无所不用其极,直到新婚夜,她不惜一切的逃婚了。 男人才彻底怒了。 当年的真相,也一点一点浮出了水面。
最后更新:第177章 此生不渝2023-09-01 13:46:26
作品简介:她本是现代闻名遐迩的神医,行医济世却惨遭车祸,没想到再一睁眼,竟然到了古代做冲喜世子妃,而且刚进府门,世子就死了,被婆婆直接活埋变冥婚。 笑死,她可是现代远近闻名的神医妙手,直接将夫君从鬼门关拉出来,却没想到人家转身就去了青楼逍遥,笑死,她直接怒闯青楼要休书。 却不料休书没要到,她却在这个陌生的世界一步步深陷迷网,在探究身世之谜的同时,她也发现自己的夫君似乎并不像表面那样简单,而两人的关系,也一步步升温。 到最后,曾经纨绔风流的男人紧紧抱住她,在她耳边轻轻呢喃:“娘子,救命之恩当以身相许,我早就是你的人了,你可不许赖账。”
最后更新:第463章 王妃2023-08-30 15:02:16
作品简介:因为父亲的遗愿,苏曼来到海城,还凭空多了五个帅气又多金的未婚夫。 全网嘲笑她又土又丑,配不上这五位天之骄子,连她的未婚夫们也视她为累赘。 一号未婚夫高冷霸总,沉声警告,“我对你没兴趣。” 二号未婚夫腹黑温雅,微微一笑,“大可不必。” 三号未婚夫人气顶级,不屑一顾,“呵呵。” 四号未婚夫内敛闷骚,随手一指,“你坐着就行。” 五号未婚夫纯情男大,多次嘲讽,“土包子,你别做梦了。” …… 呵呵。 苏曼白眼一翻。 商场上,她是上市集团杀伐果决的神秘总裁。 灯光一关,她是舞台上爆红全国的天籁歌手。 赛场上,她是让众人热血沸腾的长胜女神! 男人,她真不缺。 那几位就别追了,她不爱。
最后更新:第760章 番外郎骑竹马来(20)2023-08-25 10:18:23
作品简介:In San Francisco, a piece of news occupied the headlines today. 'The engagement was made in the early years, and the Smith couple will choose one of the five young masters to be her fiancé!' Everyone was shocked. Soon, the media found the woman's photo. The woman in the photo was ugly and chubby, wearing outdated clothes. Everyone complained that she was not worthy! However, after the news came out, it was such a slap in the face. The chairman behind the scenes was her! The most popular female singer, Kate, was also her! The mysterious racer was still her! ...... One by one, her disguise was revealed. No one dared to say that she was not worthy of the five sons of the Smith's. It is them who didn't deserve her!
最后更新:Chapter 760 when you, my lover, on a bamboo horse (20)2023-08-23 16:08:37
作品简介:【真腹黑假傻女VS纯情不禁撩首辅】 林小酒穿越到傻子身上也就罢了,还要嫁给瘸子相公。 所有人都等着看她俩这对奇葩夫妻的笑话。 只是林小酒可没空搭理,三年饥荒即将到临,她要撸起袖子加油干,种田囤货,鬼针救人,还要抽空装疯卖傻斗极品。 亲戚要分家?断亲吧! 闹饥荒?笑话,县长都来她跟前借粮。 捡个孩子都是流落人间的财神崽崽。 人人都说她是傻人有傻福,连瘸子相公都被她治好还考上探花。 皇帝赐婚要让瘸子相公做驸马,他立即辞官跑路:“家有贤妻,勿扰。”
最后更新:第123章 醋王上线2023-08-22 00:44:48
作品简介:江城,一条新闻霸占了今天的热搜头条。 《早年定下婚姻,豪门温家父母将让对方选五位少爷之一做未婚夫!》 众人大吃一惊,很快,媒体就扒到了这个女子的照片。 照片上的女人又黑又胖,活脱脱的一个土包子。 网友们纷纷吐槽,表示她不配! 谁知一次次露脸后,众人的脸被打的啪啪响。 蓝与公司幕后董事长是她! 最红女歌手南之也是她! 神秘赛车手还是她! ...... 一个个马甲掉落,谁还敢说她梨烟配不上温家五个儿子。 明明是他们不配!
最后更新:第760章 番外郎骑竹马来(20)2023-08-21 09:28:17
作品简介:我是皇上精心挑选的白月光替身。 本以为进宫后等来的会是一场宫斗。 后来发现是我格局小了。 原来整个后宫都是白月光替身。 妃嫔怨声载道,反而以我马首是瞻。 我成了香饽饽。 而皇上成了过街老鼠,人人喊打。
最后更新:第13章 永远不会变2023-08-16 10:14:25
作品简介:The unknown Internet celebrity Kristen Healey became popular overnight. There were many anti-fans and rumors about her. 'I heard that she has a backer who was powerful and wealthy. She seduced five young masters of the Oliver Family and did not even spare the master of the Oliver Family. She is such a whore.' The Oliver family denied the rumors, 'Sorry, She is our beloved Miss!' Everyone was shocked! 'She's so beautiful. I guess she's just an empty vase, without any acting skills.' Kristen said nothing and then she won the award for Best Actress to prove herself. However, the anti-fans still didn't give up. 'What's so great about Her? Isn't it because she shamelessly pestered Mr. Wharton every day?' That night, a reporter took photos of the distinguished president of the TNK Group taking a necklace worth 100 million dollars. He said humbly to the beautiful woman in the garage, 'Kristen, come home with me.' 'I'm sorry, Mr. Wharton, but my fans are all saying that I'm pestering you. Please stay away from me.' TNK Group official immediately announced, 'Everyone, I am pursuing Miss Kristen. Please don't spread rumors, or it will be more difficult to pursue Kristen.'
最后更新:Chapter 764 Ending! Get married!2023-08-15 11:15:55